Smartphone Apps and IOT

As a developer of IOT Mobile Apps, we have experience with various applications of the 'app' in an IOT concept. Common functionalities of an IOT mobile app in relation to devices, often with sensors, are:

read out, collect data

A Mobile App often combines several of the above functionalities, depending on the use case. Specific to IOT applications, the app generally performs an important part of the functions in the background, without direct involvement of the user, but also at the service of the user. Data from devices can be collected in combination with data from the phone's sensors, for example location, taking into account the applicable privacy rules and the user's experience.

Bluetooth Low Energy

The connection between the mobile phone and an IOT device is generally made via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), either ad hoc for reading data or via a dedicated connection for further interaction between the mobile phone and the environment.

iOS and Android

We usually develop native apps as we often want to handle customized Bluetooth and data communication in background processes for IOT applications. This can also be done in hybrid solutions where, as a rule, some native components are developed and used. If desired, we can take care of development up to and including standard publishing in the Apple app store or Google Play store. We can also supervise or provide alternative publishing forms in the app stores.

IOT APPS is an initiative of PhaseFour from Eindhoven. All IOT APPS activities are carried out by PhaseFour employees.

Klokgebouw 176
5617 AB, Eindhoven
The Netherlands